Kinnelon Office of Emergency Management
130 Kinnelon Road
973-838-5400 via KPD


Morris County has begun the process of updating the 2020 Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan so all our municipalities in Morris County remain eligible to receive certain types of federal mitigation funding to reduce hazard risk. The Mitigation Plan focuses on understanding the natural risks and hazards that threaten the county, identifying community capabilities that can be used to mitigate risks, and laying out a comprehensive hazard mitigation strategy to buy down risks from those hazards.


Public participation and feedback is an important part of the hazard mitigation planning process. Morris County Office of Emergency Management has developed a brief survey to assist in providing the public with an opportunity to contribute to the plan update. The survey focuses on the public’s experiences with hazards, including recommendations for hazard reduction. The input provided is vital to completing the plan update.




Please see the link below for the "Morris County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020"


Please see the links below for information on the Coronavirus.

Update on COVID-19 (5/18/20)

Instructions for persons who tested negative for COVID-19

Instructions for persons who tested positive for COVID-19 

Accepting Donations of Home Baked Goods/Home Prepared Foods

The Road Back - Restoring Economic Health Through Public Health


Cleaning - Disinfecting
Coronavirus Information
Coronavirus, Flu, Cold
NJDOH - General Information Page
CDC - General Information Page
CDC - Home Isolation Guide
NJDOH - Local Health Department Directory





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OEM Coordinator: Councilman Ronald Reckler
OEM Deputy Coordinator: Jeff Bresett
OEM Secretary: Jennifer Alimurat 973-838-5401 ext. 233

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
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