Food Pantry & Public Assistance
The Mayor and Borough Council are excited to announce changes to our Kinnelon Food Pantry and to inform you of how these changes will benefit the families in need of assistance in the Borough.
On April 9, 2018, our food pantry was moved to the Church of the Nazarene at 188 Kiel Ave, Butler (973) 838-1027. This is only a short distance from Kinnelon Borough Hall across Route 23 on Kiel Ave., behind Burger King.
We only moved the Food Pantry and not the Kinnelon Office of Public Assistance. Many of our generous residents provide gift cards, presents and other special donations that will still be accepted at Borough Hall and distributed to our families in need of assistance in Kinnelon.
The Food Pantry was moved to provide a stigma free location where participants can receive food and supplies without the fear of being seen or judged by friends or neighbors. Our families in need of assistance can also be provided additional services and support that is not currently available or deliverable at the Borough Hall. The Church participates in a County program that supplies fresh produce which is distributed to those in need. They are also able to provide counseling on site or through their networking with other area Churches and State and County social services. This is not means tested and any family struggling with expenses and making ends meet is welcome to participate.
Moving the Food Pantry has also freed up Borough employee hours allowing the reallocation of personnel to attend to other Borough business. We are always looking for more efficient use of Borough resources to reduce the burden put on our tax payers. While some have expressed their desire to keep the Food Pantry in Kinnelon, which the Mayor and Council would prefer, we must keep in mind the number one objective is what is best for the families in need of assistance. Originally, the Food Pantry was in a local Church and only moved to the Borough Hall when that Church could no longer accommodate the Pantry. Through the years the Borough has reached out to local Churches to see if a suitable site in the Borough could be designated to house the Pantry. Unfortunately, we have not found an available site, and if at a future time we do find a suitable location within Kinnelon, the Council can reassess our needs and consider relocating the Pantry.
The Food Pantry is open Tuesday 9-12 signups and donations and Friday 10-4. If you have any questions please feel free to call.
Mayor James J. Freda and Borough Council
Other ways to help:
- Donation of grocery store gift cards
- Christmas giving Tree
- Holiday food baskets: Easter (Spring), Thanksgiving and Christmas
WorkFirst New Jersey (WFNJ)
The state’s welfare reform program, Workfirst NJ, emphasizes work as the first toward building a new life and brighter future. Our goal is to help people welfare, secure employment and become self- sufficient, though job training, education and work activities.
WFNJ- General Assistance provides temporary cash assistance and many other support services to individuals and couples without children through the Local and County Offices.
Kinnelon administers the WFNJ General Assistance for eligible residents of Kinnelon. Please call the Office for an appointment and intake.