Zoning Board of Adjustment

- Zoning Board of Adjustment
The Kinnelon Board of Adjustment hears zoning variance applications and appeals from rulings determinations arising from enforcement of Borough Zoning Ordinances. The Board meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 P.M. in the Borough Court Room located at 130 Kinnelon Road, Kinnelon, NJ.
Tim Lockwood - Chairperson
Mike Nicosia- Vice Chairman
Fran Maletsky - Member
Cheryl Canale - Member
Rachel Herrington - Member
Morgan Wilkes - Member
Gene Passalacqua - Member
Ron Mondello - Alt#1
Olga Gilhooley - Alt#2
Steven Tombalakian - Board Attorney
Jennifer Alimurat - Secretary
The first step in the process is to determine if you need a variance for the project you are planning. Chris Walthour , Zoning Official will determine if you need a variance. Please bring a survey of your property showing where you propose to build (addition, deck, pool, garage etc.) and distances from all property lines and Chris will determine if a variance is needed. If a variance is required a building denial will be given to you indicating what variances are needed. Jennifer Alimurat will then take you through the application process which is in two phases.