Police Services

Nationally, more than 80% of all child safety seats are improperly installed or used. Members of our department, who are nationally certified as child passenger safety technicians, will inspect your child's seat free of charge. The seat will be checked to ensure that is appropriate for your child, that it is installed properly, that it is being used properly and that it has not been recalled.
The Kinnelon Police Department has a specially trained officer that are certified in child safety seat installation. Ptl. Sean Patalita is certified to properly install, or inspect a child safety seat. If you would like to have a child safety seat inspected, or properly installed you need to make an appointment through the Kinnelon Police Department. You can reach the Kinnelon Police Department 7 days a week between the hours of 8:00 AM - 11:59PM at (973) 838-5400.
For more tips on how to keep your children safe visit the NHTSA Child Passenger Safety website.
Project Childsafe is a nationwide firearms safety education program aimed at ensuring safe and responsible firearm storage. We encourage all residents who own a firearm to pick up a free gun safety kit.
The Project Childsafe Gunlock Kit is free of charge and include a safety brochure that covers a variety of options for firearms storage and a free cable-style gun lock. If you own a gun and want a Project Childsafe lock you can call the Kinnelon Police Department, or walk in 7 days a week 8:00AM - 11:59PM
No firearm's safety or lock can be a substitute for safe, careful gun handling and storage. This lock is intended to discourage unauthorized access to a firearm, particularly by young children. This lock may be cut or defeated by a determined individual and may not prevent intentional misuse of a firearm.
For more information check out the Project Childsafe website
The Project Lifesaver program has been implemented by the Morris County Sheriff’s Office in an effort to provide enhanced support and assistance to Morris County residents who are primary caregivers for an individual suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia disorder as well as families of children afflicted with Down syndrome, autism, traumatic brain injuries or cognitive impairments.
These individuals might be prone to wander away from home and become confused or lost. Project Lifesaver allows for a proactive response by law enforcement if this happens. This not only saves time and manpower but also, gives caregivers and families peace of mind and reassurance that all possible resources will be utilized in the effort to locate and return their loved one home safely.
For more information about Project Lifesaver and how to apply, visit the Project Lifesaver website
(Information retrieved from the Project Lifesavers website on September 16th 2009.
Burglars go through neighborhoods looking for uncut lawns and stuffed mailboxes. In the evening, they look for darkened houses or lights that have been left on to long. The following burglary prevention tips will help to make you and your family safer while also showing you how to become a part of the KPD team - so that we may serve and protect Kinnelon Borough and our community together.
Click here for Burglary Prevention Tips
If you aare planning on leaving your home unatteneded for any reason, Officers will conduct periodic checks based on manpower and availability in your absence. Contact the Police Desk to obtain a form.
The Internal Affairs Unit is supervised by Dsgt. David Crouthamel and is responsible for the receipt, investigation and resolution of citizen complaints of police misconduct. All inquiries or questions should be directed to Dsgt. David Crouthamel at 973-838-5400 x245.
The following provisions of the Attorney General’s Internal Affairs Policy shall be relayed to any member of the public who inquires about or wishes to initiate a complaint against an officer of this department
- All citizens complaints shall be documented and investigated.
- Complaints may be accepted in person, over the phone, in writing or through a third party.
- Anonymous complaints, or from persons who wish their names to be held in confidence, shall be accepted for investigation.
- Complaints shall be accepted any time.
- Complaints shall be accepted regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or immigration status of the complaining party.
- Officers shall not attempt to resolve a complaint or discuss the merits of a complaint with the complainant, but shall accept the complaint and then promptly notify a supervisor.
- No member of the department (Other than a duly assigned internal affairs officer) shall have contact with a complaining party or witness after a citizen’s complaint is received , except at the direction of the Chief of Police.
- Complaints shall be accepted regardless of what biographical information the complainants wish to withhold from the officer receiving the complaint.
- A copy of this checklist shall be posted in the dispatch/radio room at headquarters and at the desk(s) of the internal affairs officer.
The Kinnelon Police Department annually holds a Junior Police Academy program. Participants, which must be between the ages of 11 and 14 years old, experience the responsibilities of a Police Officer. Various presentations from state and county agencies such as:
- Morris County Sheriff's K-9 Unit
- Morris County Park Police Mounted Unit
- Kinnelon Fire Department
- Tri-boro First Aid Squad
The recruits will also take a tour of the Morris County Police Academy, Criminal Identification Unit, and the Morris County Jail. The recruits will experience first hand what police recruits undergo while attending the Morris County Police Academy such as:
- Physical Training
- Marching
- Saluting
- Motor Vehicle Stops
- Responsibities of the Detective Bureau
- Traffic Safety
- First Aid
For more information contact Ptl. Patalita or Det. Crouthamel at (973) 838-5400.
Animal control services is a service provided by professionals who are highly trained in dealing with wild and domestic animals. If you have an issue with an animal that needs taken care of you can contact the Kinnelon Police Department at 973-838-5400. If your animal issue is an emergency, contact the Kinnelon Police Department 9-1-1.
In the last few years, the Black Bear population has grown. With that, Bear sightings have also risen. In light of that fact, the New Jersey Fish and Wildlife Service, Kinnelon Police Department, and Animal Control Officer Lysa DeLaurentis wants to inform the residents of Kinnelon on how to deal with the rising bear population and sightings. Below is just a glimpse of the topics covered at the New Jersey Fish and Wildlife Bear Facts web site
- History of Black Bear in NJ
- Black Bear Biology and Behavior
- Research and Management
- How to Aviod Attracting Bears
- Facts for Homeowners
- Facts for Outdoor Enthusiasts
- Facts for Kids
- Bear Safety Tips
- Know the Bear Facts
- Program and Publications
Recently, members of the community have been having issues with Coyotes. With the introduction of new wildlife in the area it is important to know what to do if you encounter a Coyote.
Coyotes can resemble a small German Shepherd with the exception of a long snout and bushy, black-tipped tail. Coyotes have occasionally attacked small pets, but attacks on humans are extrememly rare. The Kinnelon Police and Animal Control Services want to educate the public on how to live with Coyotes in Kinnelon.
Please review the New Jersey State Division of Fish and Wildlife Website for further information.