Borough Clerk

Vote-by-Mail Drop Box Located in font of Municipal Building by Front Door.
Karen Iuele Borough Clerk
(973) 838-5401 Ext. 201
This office records and maintains records of the official business of the Mayor and Council. We submit legal notices for publication in local newspapers. We supervise the conduct of elections and issue various licenses for regulated activities. We prepare agendas, routine ordinances & resolutions, and transcribe minutes for all Mayor and Council meetings. The Clerk or Clerk's designee attends all Council meetings. The Clerk accepts and processes requests for municipal records.
Our offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m through 4:00 p.m. We are here to serve as best we can and are committed to providing assistance and answers to our residents.
The Clerk's office provides the community, either directly or through access to, the following services:
- Voter information including registering to vote
- Civilian Absentee Ballot Application
- Overseas Federal Absentee Ballot Application
- Military Service Ballot Application